About me:
After I met my second husband about 18 years ago, I realized with big surprise that he likes to travel even more than me. For the last few years, we have traveled extensively through Europe, China, Emirates, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Peru and even the Galapagos Islands. We’ve also been on quite a few different cruises including Alaska, Europe, our favorite Tahiti, and Antarctica. Of course, Canada is a wonderful place to travel. We drove by car through the Rocky Mountains, traveled by train as we explored Alberta and visited Toronto, Ontario, where we experienced the majestic Niagara Falls. We continued further to Quebec and its beautiful countryside of Charlevoix and then to the Canada’s capital of Ottawa.  Finally, we visited Maritimes and yes, Yellow knife – the magic Northern lights Capital of the World. However, the most beautiful of all is our British Columbia. There is still so much more to explore. There is a reason that every car license plate displays “Beautiful British Columbia”.

Working in the past as a professional travel agent for almost two decades and travelling through different countries, gives me the opportunity to create the most exciting and unique experiences for you when you arrive. My service  as a tour guide is my passion  of sharing this beautiful province with you. With my new job, I do not have much flexibility and that is why I encourage you book early so I can make sure that I can accommodate your requests.  I invite you to join me as we explore this wonderful part of the world together! Welcome to beautiful British Columbia.
Olga Kanariov